The purpose of a school uniform is to provide unity and equity in the educational setting whereby our uniforms and other dress code descriptions allow students to excel in faith, virtue, morals, and learning. That means our appearance & dress code does not change simply due to the latest fashion. When variations occur that are unexpected, we may need to respond with clarification. Our policy around dress code is also a reflection of our Christian values of modesty and honoring the complementarity of the sexes which God has made. Therefore, our dress code applies to all children, as designated, and honors traditional attire appropriate for boys and girls. Our policy creates an opportunity for students to develop pride in their school and in their appearance.
• Clothes must be well-fitting and in good condition (no tears, holes, or obvious stains).
• Hair color should be their natural hair color. No coloring streaks, hair extensions or any color additives.
• No temporary or permanent tattoos.
• May wear St. Anne sweatshirts or a solid navy blue or red sweatshirt or sweater indoors as needed. NO outside coats, jackets or hats may be worn indoors.
• Shoes will be closed-toed with a back. NO sandals, crocs, or flip-flops. Rain boots or mud boots are acceptable for wearing outside only.
• Coats/jackets/hats: students should always have a coat or jacket suitable for the weather when it is cold and/or rainy. Hats and gloves are allowed outdoors.
• Are not allowed to wear nail polish.
• Hair must be cut so that it does not contact their collar or obstruct the face.
• Jewelry is not allowed.
- BOTTOMS: pants, walking shorts, in solid navy blue or khaki. NO denim, cargo, or athletic style.
- TOPS: solid colored navy blue, white or red polo or a St. Anne t-shirt.
• Jewelry is not allowed at school for students, except small “stud earrings”. It will be kept in the school office for parents to pick up after school.
• May wear light, pastel color nail polish. Beige, light light pink, etc. No dark nail polishes. Color is at the discretion of the principal.
• Hair should be pulled back and kept neatly if longer than their shoulders.
- BOTTOMS: pants, shorts, skorts, skirts or jumpers in solid navy blue or khaki. NO denim, cargo, or athletic style. Red or navy-blue polo type dresses. Girls must wear solid-colored shorts underneath skirts or jumpers. Shorts must be at the knee. Skirts and jumpers MUST BE AT THE KNEE.
- TOPS: solid colored navy blue, white or red polo or a St. Anne t-shirt.
MASS DRESS UNIFORM: Mass dress creates uniformity for all students in attendance.
• BOYS: navy pants and a red polo shirt (red sweaters are fine but not required)
• GIRLS: solid navy jumper or skirt (white tights, leggings or bike shorts must be worn underneath) and a red polo shirt (red sweaters are fine but not required).
Shoes: same as regular uniform – closed-toed with back, no sandals, crocs, boots, or flipflops.
Oversight of Dress Code: Teachers will alert the office of any dress code infraction. The office will touch base with the parents and possible send home a dress code form when students have not come to school in the correct uniform. Parents are required to sign the form and return it to the school office the following day. If a student consistently fails to comply with the dress code, the parents will need to meet with administration to develop a plan to ensure compliance.
Free Dress: Students love free dress, and it is a fun way for them to express their tastes. Please monitor your student’s free dress choices and make sure they are respectful and modest. As with the regular uniform, shorts, skirts, or dresses must be no shorter than the knee. Straps must be at least two inches in width. NO spaghetti straps or tops that show the midriff are allowed. Shoes must still be closed-toed with a back strap. Shirts must be appropriate for children. NO scary or inappropriate pictures or words, alcohol, drugs.